Common Wire Cloth Weave Styles
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Plain Woven Wire Cloth


Plain Weave

This is the most commonly used weave. Each weft wire passes alternately over and under each warp wire and each warp wire passes alternately over and under each weft wire. Warp and weft wire diameters are generally the same.


Twilled Weave Wire Cloth


Twill Weave

Each weft wire alternately passes over two, then under two successive warp wires and each warp wire passes alternately over two and under two successive weft wires, in a staggered arrangement. Twill weave is normally used to allow a heavier than standard wire diameter in association with a given mesh.


Plain Dutch Weave Wire Cloth


Hollander (Dutch) Weave

While the warp wires remain straight, the weft wires are plain woven to lie as close as possible against each other in a linen weave forming a dense strong material with small, irregular and twisting passageways that appear triangular when diagonally viewing the weave.

Dutch Twilled Weave is utilized for Micronic Filter Cloth    

Hollander Twill Weave

Similar to Plain Hollander weave, except that the weave is twilled, allowing a double layer of weft wires. There are no apertures in the true sense of the word as the filtrate follows a sinuous path through the depth of the wire cloth.


Reverse Dutch Weave Filtration Cloth


Reverse Hollander Weave

This is the reverse of the Plain Hollander (Dutch) weave, in that the weft wires are heavier than the warp wires.


Click Here For Pre-Crimped Weaves

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Last modified: August 28, 2016